41% of Brits to Eat Lab-Grown Clean Meat and Fish in Next Decade, Says Survey

Clean Meat Producer Raises $3 Million for 'Revolutionary' Meat Products

According to new data by British research company Starcom, 41 percent of British people will be eating lab-grown meat and fish within the next decade.

Lab-grown meat, also known as “clean meat” or “cultured meat” is made by extracting stem cells from an animal that is grown into meat. This method of meat production eliminates the need to breed, raise, and slaughter animals. Conventional agriculture raises more than just ethical issues for the animals making clean meat a smart choice; there are the damaging environmental components of livestock breeding as well as the human health risks of antibiotic-resistant infections and increased risk of numerous diseases.

Additionally, 42 percent of the British people surveyed said they would eat clean meat and fish at a restaurant if it was served to them knowingly, whereas 37 percent of this survey group said they would eat it at a fast-food outlet.

Starcom’s survey analyzed the responses of 2,000 adults, as part of its “Future of…” series showcasing who and what British people perceive as things poised to revolutionize the food industry as we know it. Shortages of meat and fish were the top-voted motivating factor that would rive respondents to opt for meat grown in a lab. Concerns regarding environmental and sustainability issues took second place.

The research also found pescatarians and vegetarians were most welcoming to this concept. Fifty-nine percent of the former and 51 percent of the vegetarians believed these foods would become mainstream within the next ten years.

Moreover, the research found that nine out of every ten British people would leave fresh meat and fish on the shelves before ditching fresh fruit and vegetables if prices were to rise again. While the reasons for this choice vary, a common theory is that with the rise of veganism, many more people are becoming exposed to issues within animal agriculture that have been taboo topics for many decades that are now emerging to influence everyday choices.

Nowadays, anyone with access to the Internet or a media outlet can source all the public information about animal welfare concerns, the environmental impact of animal agriculture, and how eating an animal-laden diet leads to diseases or other serious health problems. More consumers, businesses, and organizations are realizing a plant-based diet may well be the answer to ensuring a kind and sustainable future.