Vegan Actor Kevin Smith Credits Dramatic Weight Loss to Penn Jillette’s Diet Program

American filmmaker Kevin Smith revealed on his podcast, Hollywood Babble-On, that he is following in the food-steps of illusionist and fellow comedian Penn Jillette, by eating a potato-only diet. That’s right. Potatoes only.

Jillette’s diet book, “Presto!: How I Made Over 100 Pounds Disappear”, influenced the comedic director to make the dietary switch. After the initial potato phase, followers of the diet add other vegetables to salads for three months of the plant-based regime. Fruits and nuts are not included in the plan, which is intended as a weight loss scheme.

This news comes just a month after Smith announced on Facebook he had suffered from a near-fatal heart attack. He wrote: “maybe it’s time to go vegan.”

Smith was told by his doctors that he needed to lose 50 pounds. The comedian’s heart-attack wake-up call and new plant-based eating regime have proven to be successful in helping him reach this target. Smith told his podcast-listeners he had lost 17 Lbs in just 9 days, through his potato diet. Potatoes are nutritious and beneficial vegetables due to their high fiber content, zero cholesterol, and low calories (when not deep-fried).

While the writer, producer, and director of the 1994 film, “Clerks” has admitted he isn’t following a vegan diet for ethical reasons, the star recognizes his “widow maker” heart-attack was due to a poor diet and lifestyle choices.  Choices, which can, in part, be rectified by eating a vegan diet.“This [vegan diet] doesn’t come from a personal philosophy, this comes from an ‘I have to.’ I don’t know if I call myself a vegan, maybe a non-animal eater. The program is so far manageable,” Smith tweeted.

The program has thus far “been interesting,” Smith added. “And of course necessary for my health and stuff. But once I get to a decent place, then I can think about eating again.

“I’ll never eat the way I used to. The way I used to eat was f**king horrible,” noted Smith. He also mentioned that eating animal products is, currently, out of the question.

Veganism is nothing new to his family, Kevin’s daughter, Harley Quinn, is vegan and very supportive of her father’s new eating regime.

“My kid is thrilled because she’s a vegan, ‘She’s like, ‘Welcome home brother,” Smith stated.

Image Credit: Kevin Smith